Tuesday, March 5, 2013

“Public Spirit Fund”

“Public Spirit Fund”
The City of Eau Claire recently created a “Public Spirit Fund”, a separate fund managed and administered through the Eau Claire Community Foundation.  The “Public Spirit Fund” was created to build a revenue source for public projects, which are needed or desired, but not fully funded through the City’s budgeting process.  The fund also creates a voluntary and permanent mechanism to support people’s natural tendency to improve our city. The first projects of the Public Spirit Fund are proposed to be a handicap accessible fishing dock on Half Moon Lake south of the Carson Park causeway and the construction of the first boat launch on the west bank of the Chippewa River near Domer Park.

The mission of the Eau Claire Public Spirit Fund is to encourage the expression of a community spirit through monetary donations to projects that benefit people in the community. The Fund will support projects that benefit everyone, but are not adequately funded by other sources.  Many public projects are put off for years while waiting for sufficient funding. Every year the City identifies many needed capital projects. The City plans carefully to bring these projects to completion through long-term planning, careful consideration of the project’s public benefits and a fair distribution of funds across many department needs; but many worthy projects are put off for years, awaiting funding.

It is not realistic to use the Public Spirit Fund to advance all the identified public projects at once, so the Fund will concentrate on the priorities of the Waterways Plan.  The City just finished a rigorous civic engagement process to complete a brand new Waterways Plan adopted by the City Council in July 2012.  More than 40 citizens, City staff and members of City commissions spent over a year working on the plan.  The completed document charges the City - with some urgency - to reinvest in its waterways. The Eau Claire Waterways Plan identifies “Priorities for Action” that are projects to enhance the natural beauty of Eau Claire and increase the enjoyment of the waterways.  Because grants and other City funding for the waterways improvements may take several years to materialize, by giving to the Public Spirit Fund, individuals can support and advance these projects.

Residents of Eau Claire have always had an abiding sense of philanthropy that supports countless worthy causes in the area.  In addition to the many religious, charitable, and social welfare endeavors, the community has provided funding for public projects that serve the entire city, including recent public improvements funded through donations of the new pavilion at the Forest Street Community Gardens and the acquisition of Domer Park. The Eau Claire Public Spirit Fund will provide an opportunity for community members to express pride in Eau Claire and to support and foster a spirit of community giving for public improvements.

Donations to the fund can be made on line at www.eauclairewi.gov/publicspiritfund or by mail to the Eau Claire Community Foundation at 306 South Barstow Street, Suite 104, Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701.